As we near the launch of the 2021 World Happiness Report, we are thrilled to be kicking off the official WHR blog. Here at Wall’s we serve 28 billion portions of “happiness” in communities across the world every year and we’re on a mission to make the world a happier, more inclusive place.
After a period unlike any other in recent times, we’re incredibly proud to be partners of a publication written by such esteemed experts on a topic that is arguably more important than ever.
This past year has seen a recalibration of what it means to be happy. Instead of valuing life through financial success and personal possessions alone, society now places a higher value on social connection and community togetherness.
In 2020, we conducted research in 12 countries to find out how people’s happiness was impacted by lockdowns and what we saw is that people have built stronger relationships within their communities – supporting friends, neighbours and local front-line workers. 62% said that lockdown made them feel more a part of their community and 58% found human connection to be what makes them truly happy.[1]

We believe governments should take inspiration from New Zealand, Scotland and Iceland by implementing policies that prioritise happiness. Our own research, shows people are calling for governments to prioritise happiness over money with 63% wanting happiness to come before economic recovery.[2]
As such, Wall’s will be working throughout 2021 and beyond to bring academics, policy makers, businesses, communities and activists together to develop a blueprint for a future where happiness through community and connections is key and GDP is no longer the only main measure of development.
By celebrating community togetherness and social connections, we’ll be able to create a better world and live a happier future.
Ian Maskell, Vice President, Wall’s