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Drop-In Womens’ Personal Growth Group

Drop In Womens' Group, Identify and love the skin you are in, Learn personal growth tools to build your confidence and walk in your truth. About this event "I WANT TO BE CONFIDENT IN THE SKIN I AM IN" "I WANT MORE IN RELATIONSHIPS, WHERE DO I GO WRONG" "BEING ME IS NOT ACCEPTED BY... Read more

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Your Workplace Virtual Workshop Series

About this event Virtual Workshop Series: Thursday, October 7th, October 14th, and October 21st from 12-2pm ET with a follow-up group coaching session on Thursday, December 9th from 12-2 ET. All sessions will be held via Zoom and session recordings will be available to participants who miss live sessions. There will be a few assignments... Read more

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Nurturing Emotional Well-being

As we come out of Lockdown, we at Natures Pure Love have observed seven elements that have impacted on people emotionally. About this event Disbelief Anger Sadness Confusion Loss Acceptance Optimism Going through these seemingly natural reactions can cause a high level of stress and anxiety, bringing on panic attacks, irrational behaviour, fear and even... Read more

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Think Like a Monk Book Club

Combining ancient wisdom and his own experiences in the ashram, this book reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and access the purpose that lie within all of us.

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Diversity and Inclusion Summit

As leaders, we have an opportunity to make our workplaces better for all people that engage with us. Learn from world-class leaders in Diversity and Inclusion for an all day conversation about how to translate this opportunity into action. Conference Objective: To create an open and safe space to discuss and share learnings, best practices... Read more

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Your Wellbeing: Staying Physically Active

As Australia gets closer to reaching a COVID-19 vaccination coverage that will allow restrictions to ease, older people are looking ahead to what a reopening will look like for them. We can support older people to start preparing to get back to doing what they love with the people they love as soon as they... Read more

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Understanding ADHD

An accessible guide to understanding causation, symptoms and treatment options for ADHD About this event Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not just about hyperactive people and short attention spans. An accessible guide to understanding causation, symptoms and treatment options for ADHD. Learn practical tips for managing symptoms and helping others during this one-hour session.... Read more

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World Education Week 2021

World Education Week provides a platform for schools and education organisations to share how they have developed their expertise with the express purpose of inspiring other schools and organisations to understand the journey to excellence and replicate same. We are happy to announce that 100 schools and our partners organisations are participating in this global... Read more

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Happier Book Club – Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty

Combining ancient wisdom and his own experiences in the ashram, this book reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and access the purpose that lie within all of us. Join other Happier Way members in discussing a specific book, once every 3 months. Led by our incredible moderator, Elisa Juarez, you’ll dive into a book and... Read more

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Compassion & Courage – with Alex Nunn & Thupten Jinpa

About this event How can we respond to suffering in the world without burning out? At this special event, Alex Nunn and Thupten Jinpa will share how actively practicing compassion can transform our relationship to suffering in the world - unlocking happiness, connection and courage in the process. Jinpa is an acclaimed thought leader and... Read more

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Character & Happiness – with Angela Duckworth

About this event What is character? And how does it support wellbeing? At this event, psychologist Angela Duckworth will share what she's learnt in her years of research into character. She'll explain how we don’t need to rely on talent to be successful or to achieve goals; instead we can develop our strengths to respond... Read more

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Truth and Reconciliation Week

About this event This year, we’re proud to announce that Every Child Matters is growing from a single day to a full week of Truth and Reconciliation programming. Last year’s unprecedented online event was attended by over 500,000 students, teachers, and general public attendees. Together, we can build on the success of Every Child Matters... Read more

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How You Can Take Action on World Suicide Prevention Day

Happier Way Original - As we approach World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th, we must take a step back and reflect on the terrible impact that suicide has had on our society. The National Institute of Mental Health has compiled eye-opening statistics about suicide in the United States. For people 34 and younger, suicide... Read more

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Gentle Yoga for Terrible Times

Simple and accessible breathing exercises, stretches, and guided meditation for all bodies, minds, and spirits. No experience necessary. About this event Human beings are not meant to be in constant fight, flight, or freeze mode. Chronic stress takes a devastating toll on our mental and physical well-being. If you are exhausted, stressed out, burnt out,... Read more

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Vegan For Beginners

Here's your window to peek inside of the Vegan/Plant-based world! About this event Sumptuous Vegan Vegan For Beginners Online Workshop & Live Cooking (2 separate events on 2 separate dates) - I recommend doing both! First you learn the basics, then you watch it in action. More and more people are interested in vegan/plant-based eating.... Read more

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5 Tips to Practice Mindful Eating

Happier Way Original - Mindful Eating Mindful eating refers to the act of paying attention to our food and purposefully consuming it without any judgment. Mindful eating emphasizes people's sensual awareness of the food they are eating and their experience while eating it. Sometimes we eat without giving much thought to it. While there is... Read more

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How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance While Working from Home

Happier Way Original - The pandemic changed the way we think, feel, and act. This means that virtually all aspects of life were impacted. As employees shifted away from the office and the lines between home and work became blurred, it became even more important than ever to dedicate mental strength toward maintaining a healthy... Read more

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Zoom Fatigue – how it affects your daily life and how to combat it

Combating Virtual/Zoom Fatigue Over the last two years, a lot of office work has been shifted online due to obvious reasons. This remote work was thought to be more accessible and fun at the start, but its side effects have impacted individuals across the globe. If you feel tired, anxious, and nervous recently, you may... Read more

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Monthly Online Volunteering Event December: Health

About this event We are running focused monthly online events for students. Please register to reserve a space for your organisation at the December London Metropolitan University Monthly Volunteering Event. December We will focus on Health. If your organisation offers volunteering roles focused on this area and you would like to give a 5 minute... Read more

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Empowering Girls Event 2021

About this event We are excited to announce that EGFL 2021 will again be VIRTUAL and FREE! Join us Sunday, September 12th - Sunday, September 26th to listen, engage, and be inspired by the stories of successful women from different industries, while also enjoying sponsorship and exhibitor booths. This event is designed for girls and... Read more