We find pervasive gender differences in time use during COVID-19. Surveys of diverse samples with over 30,000 respondents reveal that women—especially mothers—spent more time on necessities such as childcare and chores. In turn, time spent completing household chores was linked to lower well-being. This research reveals persistent time-use differences between women and men in household... Read more
Category: Pillars
From Diversity to Inclusion: An Inclusion Equation
Mary-Frances Winters For inclusion, you have to start with the heart and then move to the head. For authentic, sustainable, inclusive organizations, leaders have to “get it in their guts” and then commit to becoming competent so their behavior matches their intent.—Fortune 100 Financial Services CEO https://intel-writers.us/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Parise-for-the-Diversity-of-WOrk-for-Chapter-15-Analysis-Essay-Assignment.pdf#page=248
Disentangling the Meanings of Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations
QUINETTA M. ROBERSONCornell UniversityGiven the emergence of a new rhetoric in the field of diversity, which replaces the term diversity with the term inclusion, this study comparatively investigates the meanings of diversity and inclusion in organizations. The findings of Study 1, which used a qualitative methodology to explore the construct definitions and to derive a... Read more
Better brain health | DW Documentary
Chocolate reduces stress. Fish stimulates the brain. Is there any truth to such popular beliefs? The findings of researchers around the world say yes: It appears we really are what we eat. A study in a British prison found that inmates who took vitamin supplements were less prone to violent behavior. And in Germany, a... Read more
What would happen if you didn’t sleep? – Claudia Aguirre
In the United States, it’s estimated that 30 percent of adults and 66 percent of adolescents are regularly sleep-deprived. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience: staying awake can cause serious bodily harm. Claudia Aguirre shows what happens to your body and brain when you skip sleep. Lesson by Claudia Aguirre, animation by TED-Ed.
Forgiveness: The Key to Being a Better Person?
Learn about the latest research in the science of forgiveness with Dr. Amrisha Vaish of the University of Virginia. Research shows that even young children are drawn to those who show forgiveness toward others, suggesting it's an innate and important ability for our species. So why do we all sometimes struggle to do it? Go... Read more
Life in Lockdown: An Extrovert’s Quest for Wellbeing
Another lockdown, another set of restrictions. It’s enough to make you start singing Shannon Noll’s ‘What About Me’ interspersed with ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen, with a good helping of ‘Just Keep Swimming,’ courtesy of Dory from Finding Nemo. As a resident Melburnian, these songs have all had their time in the spotlight of my mind. So,... Read more
Five Ways to Flourish!
‘New year – new me!’ It’s a catch phrase often echoed at the beginning of a calendar year. One filled with hope, with optimism and with a desire for change. But what do you do when you turn around and not only are you the same person you were yesterday, the day-in-day-out challenges of the... Read more
3 women of colour on how to boost diversity from the outside in
The COVID-19 pandemic has shed a spotlight on inequities - with women of colour being impacted the most.Here three women leaders of colour share their thoughts on how to make the world a more diverse and inclusive place. Marian Croak has a unique way of looking at the world. It probably explains why the inventor... Read more
5 ways for businesses to walk the talk on gender equality
It’s time to take action on collective responsibility for gender equity via openness to digital ways of working and opportunities that arise from flexible work arrangements.A move to skills-based talent practices has the potential to be an incredible leveller, changing everything from the way we hire, develop, pay and promote talent.Greater access to talent and... Read more
Investing in women is key to post-pandemic recovery
An updated McKinsey Global Institute Report warns that not taking gender-responsive actions during the pandemic could lead to a $1 trillion loss in global GDP by 2030.Australia is working with regional partners where 75%-90% of market vendors are women to install sanitation and safety equipment to limit the spread of COVID-19.As companies seek to find... Read more
Japan’s mental health crisis shows we need to fight harder for gender equality
• The pandemic has caused the Japanese suicide rate to rise faster for women than men. • The economic crisis has fallen disproportionately on women, something compounded by the unpaid care they take on. • The pandemic response worldwide must address the structural issues women face in a systemic way Japan’s chronically high suicide rate... Read more
Layla F Saad’s Me and White Supremacy: What I learnt
Sophie Rust recently joined Equality, Diversity & Inclusion as a Project Officer, working two days a week in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities. She previously worked in King’s Careers & Employability. Nine months after the murder of George Floyd sparked a resurgence of the global Black Lives Matter movement, I have been reflecting on my own journey towards practising anti-racism. Layla... Read more
People in More Diverse Countries Are Less Prejudiced
How does living in a diverse community affect how we think about others? Researchers who study this have two basic theories. On one hand, diversity can strengthen stereotypes because of “confirmation bias”—our tendency to look for information that confirms what we already believe. In other words, if we have negative, preconceived notions about different ethnic... Read more
The Definitive Guide to Diversity Types in the Workplace
[updated Jan 2021] This is the ultimate guide to Diversity Types in the Workplace in 2020. The same guide can be applied to the society, community about all aspects of diversity. The guide I will cover: What are the major Diversity Type Dimensions in the workplace, student life experience, and SocietyWhat are the four types of diversity?What are the major different Diversity Types in a diverse work environment,... Read more
Social Cohesion – Why is it Important?
Introduction Social Cohesion is an ideal ultimate objectives to create a inclusive, and sustainable society. ‘No man is an island’ is a famous quote that most of us are very aware of, which reminds us of our own distinct and unique purpose. The truth is, no one can ever do their usual routines without interacting with someone. Each... Read more
The Evolution of Cooperation
It’s easy to take cooperation for granted. Children team up to complete a project on time. Neighbors help each other mend fences. Colleagues share ideas and resources. The very fabric of human society depends upon working together. Cooperation is also ubiquitous in the natural world: lions collaborate on hunts, flowers share nectar with bees, and... Read more
The Psychology of Purpose
Reviewing six decades of research into the meaning, development, and benefits of purpose in life Modern scientific research on human purpose has its origins in, of all places, a Holocaust survivor’s experiences in a series of Nazi concentration camps. While a prisoner at Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and two satellite camps of Dachau, Viennese psychologist Viktor Frankl noticed that... Read more
4 EQ Steps to Find Motivation
Why is it so hard to get motivated some days while other times you easily find a well of inspiration and drive? Self-motivation is essential to achieving our goals both personally and within the context of a team or an organization. Motivation is one of the core competencies of emotional intelligence, and recent studies find that personal... Read more
Prayer, Relationships, and Health
Over the course of dozens of studies, Frank Fincham has compiled an impressive list of ways that prayer and forgiveness make a difference. Frank Fincham, who holds an endowed chair of the Florida State University College of Human Sciences, is a former Rhodes Scholar with an Oxford doctorate and a long track record of insightful... Read more