woman in black leather jacket wearing black sunglasses standing on green grass field during daytime

The Impact of COVID-19 on Life Satisfaction Worldwide

Global survey data on the wellbeing of thousands of individuals across 26 countries has revealed how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting people’s satisfaction with life. Among key findings are that in the West, countries hit hardest by COVID-19 are generally unhappier than those with lower death rates from the disease. Western countries reporting the lowest levels of... Read more

green-leafed trees

Sustainability makes people happier, research finds

Sustainable development makes people happier. Progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which cover objectives ranging from climate change adaptation to the eradication of poverty, has a positive correlation with wellbeing, according to new research from the University of Oxford. Countries with a higher SDG Index score tend to do better in terms of subjective well-being, with... Read more