Personality Types at Work

Learn to help others–be it family members, friends, or colleagues–lead a happier, more meaningful life.

About the Program

Knowing yourself, your team, your manager, and your organization are keys to personal and business success. What were once labeled soft skills are now modern requirements in today’s workplace – especially if you are trying to get in the door or are already leading a team. This course is specifically designed for the Job Seeker, Team Member or Manager


We will dive deep into the types and teach you how to translate your new knowledge into business success by leveraging personality and emotional intelligence in the workplace – wherever you may be! Join us!

Who does it?

University of Florida

cup of coffee near MacBook Pro


Material Includes

100% Online
Flexible deadlines
Beginner Level
Approx. 21 hours to complete

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We are an inclusive community where you can discover tools, practices, and experiences  to guide you towards a happier way to think, act, and live. 


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